SchemeWise Nursing – An all ability focus

Do you know how registered nurses can support you under the NDIS or i your community or organisation?

SchemeWise registered nurses can help you promote your health to the next level.  They can do this through assessment, reporting, education, and training.  And they can help when things change too!  Best of all... even if you do not have support coordination in your plan a registered nurse can assist you to replan your supports when you need to make adjustments.

Registered nurses are centrally involved in significant areas of health and wellbeing in Australia, from acute to chronic treatment, and in lifestyle and pain management too. And they also have deep involvement with lifelong or acquired disability.   SchemeWise nurses can also help in schools, community groups of all types and in day program or residential and aged care facilities - from understanding medications to assessments, incident debriefing, work safety and information charting.  For example, with neurological conditions, acquired brain injury, autism, intellectual/learning disability, mental health, and concussion planning and management.

Nurses are central players and trainers under the NDIS when you have complex needs or the services and supports around you need to learn how to better support you.  

SchemeWise nurses can also assist with assessments which can allow the NDIS and others to better understand your  needs too!

You can find much more info on our nursing page here

Find out what learning/intellectual disability nurses do here (1.14mins) and a personal story here (9mins) which prevented things going wrong.  Find out about the role of mental health nursing here (4.48mins) and around caring for people with autism here including the perspective of a person living with autism disorder here (4.24mins).

There is also a wonderful documentary produced by SBS (Australian Public Broadcaster) about how families manage traumatic brain injury called "A Hidden Injury" available here (51mins).

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