-- ADVISORY: This service has capacity for new customers from time-to-time, only. The service is triaged for fit between parties. --
AVAILABLE IN CANBERRA & QUEANBEYAN ONLY for people with NDIS plan-managed or self-managed funding, or private service.
A SchemeWise Psychosocial Recovery Coach can help overcome challenges,
and support you to take charge of life again...
SchemeWise recovery coaching is a respectful and practical support to people living with complex psychosocial challenges and cooccuring conditions. It is focused on promoting wellness and personal community recovery through a strengths-based approach.
SchemeWise recovery coaching utilises assertive community servicing principles - within person-centred evidence-based practices. It provides regular support for adults with severe and persisitent psychosocial disability experiences. The service works actively with multi-disciplinary treatment teams also, providing transition and planning support from inpatient stays.
SchemeWise recovery coaching seeks to:
♦ engage consumers in their treatment needs, reducing the negative imapct of a mental health condition or co-occuring problems;
♦ work within a 'whole of team' way, connecting information and supporting people with complex co-occuring issues;
♦ provide an emphasis on home visits and other community interventions, eliminating the need to transfer newly learned skills from an artificial rehabilitation or treatment setting to the "real world";
♦ utilises a program of continuous support and service planning, or intervention that typically involves individuals and others with personal, successful experiences with the recovery processes (empowering people in their recovery journeys);
♦ provides conscious effort to help people avoid crisis situations in the first place through careful planning, frequent communication, and flexible arrangements, or — if the current plan isn't working — to revise it and intervene rapidly and assertively, with the goal of preventing hospitalisations (when possible), loss of housing, and other negative outcomes;
♦ support cooperative transfer of care for people leaving hospital into community mental health care including private care providers and/or shared care or supported living arrangements; and
♦ increasing people's community life and participation, overall.
A SchemeWise Psychosocial Recovery Coach (recovery coach) can help you. The ‘coaches’ purpose is to provide support to people experiencing severe and persistant mental health problems by building capacity and resilience, over time. Working with participants, their families, carers and supports, your SchemeWise recovery coach will design, plan, and implement a recovery and wellness plan with you at the centre. This includes working with trusted services and people and helping build your network and services or supports in a sustainable way that allows you to live your best life, despite a mental health problem.
Our coaches will tailor support based on your needs and the best available services in your local area. We don't want to reinvent the wheel, we want to help you use what works for you and enhance that in a practical way... to aid your success and recovery.
Coaching also requires you to use your capacity, helping you to do so. For exmaple, a coach can help you explore differnt service or support options and help you work thorugh wha the best option may be for you - supporting your decision-making.
Our coaches also know that relapses can happen for a multitude of reasons... they get that, and they don't judge! Your wellness plan will aid you if this occurs, promoting a mindful approach to 'what works for you' and 'how you can be supported during challenging times', so you can get back to the 'real you' as soon as possible. To help, SchemeWise recovery coaches adopt a step-up / step-down approach with their assertive practices, so you can get extra help when needed too.
How We Support Your Psychosocial Recovery?
√ We listen and get to know you... working with your strengths.
√ We develop recovery-enabled relationships, based on hope.
√ We support you respectfully to develop a greater insight of your mental health diagnosis and wellness.
√ We explore what recovery means for you based on your personal goals as well as living with and managing your mental health.
√ We explore strategies that work best for you through coaching, and develop an individual recovery plan with you.
√ We provide you with options & linkages to clinical and/or community supports & services to enhance your recovery.
√ We foster developing rapport and trust through positive working relationships and building personal capacity.
√ We foster confidence to manage any bad days and experience more good days, overall.
√ We aim to use your strengths to build resilience, improve personal decision-making, motivation and self-advocacy.
√ We provide support to families and carers too - ensuring your supports are supported also.
√ We collaborate with all of your supports, family members and professionals to maximise your wellness outcomes.
√ We maintain the utmost confidentiality and professionalism.
√ We support your engagement with the NDIS and through review periods too.
√ And most importantly... we also hope for opportunity to smile together and celebrate personal triumphs.
Our coaches offer you clinical expertise to help guide support delivery.
Our coaches are trained mental health professionals.
Our coaches have years of experience in community servicing providing you real and knowledgeable support.
Our coaches know how to help and ensure you have the right supports towards your personal recovery.
NDIS Price Rates
The SchemeWise Psychosocial Recovery Service operates within NDIS pricing guidance.
To access this service, you must have recovery coaching provided in your plan under Capacity Building. You must also have this funding provisioned as either plan-managed or self-managed. SchemeWise CANNOT support people with NDIA-managed funding.
NOTE: You can use a coordinator and coach at the same time ONLY if you have made separate agreements with each, and they DO NOT exceed the total funds in your support coordination and recovery coaching budget. If you DO NOT have stable services and supports around you (or any), recovery coaching may NOT be the best choice for you. You cannot obtain both support coordination and recovery coaching from SchemeWise at the same time - you must use different providers for each service. SchemeWise CAN provide a support coordination service which transitions to a psychosocial recovery service if this is preferred.
If you are NEW to the NDIS (e.g. it's your first plan) SchemeWise advises you should only work with a coordinator initially (e.g. 6-12 months), so you LEARN how the NDIS operates before engaging a recovery coach. The reason for this is that the NDIS is very complex and coaching focuses 'on you doing'. For people with low capcity this can make commencing with coaching quite difficult. It takes time to understand how the NDIS system works, learn to manage services, and if you have low capacity to remember all the things the NDIS requires. Coordinators also carry out coaching-like activities to build your capacity, but augment your capacity when it is low (making it a better option to get going when you do not have services and supports already). Recovery coaching encourages you to utilise YOUR capacity instead, and coaches cannot augment this for you, as the emphasis of coaching is 'on you'. This is a very important distinction to keep in mind, as we often hear that NDIS planners and LAC's do NOT understand these fundamental differences themselves. If you feel the programmed support is wrong, you may need to undertake a review-of-decision (variation) process to correct it. We can also help with determining if support coordination could be utilised instead just by talking with us.
So what will the service look like for me?
How your recovery coaching service will appear and how it will work, is dependent on your individual needs/circumstances. From planning to support, the architecture will be based around realistic goals, your access to appropriate local services and the relationships built from you, across your supports and involving tailored programs you're interested in.
Likewise, your service would ensure appropriate daily support (as required) and may also require mainstream services regular invovlement.
Our approach involves use of planning tools, collaborative coaching and lifestyle considerations toward wellness. As a person-centred service, you will meet a coach (free-of-charge) and decide if you are a good fit to work with them. We will build an individual plan with you - helping you connect you to other supports, stay safe or help you cope with bad days, and learn those options which empower your day-to-day life and community-powered recovery.
You must meet regularly with our coaches (at least weekly initially) as this is a practically-focused mentor-based service; not an occasional or sometimes only when you feel like it service.
In the context of the NDIS, coaches must also provide regular reporting to the NDIS about how they are helping you implement your NDIS plan, and make good use of your funding.
If you are working with a different provider for counselling or psychology, then a SchemeWise recovery coach can help you. We'll want to talk to your counsellor/psychologist (as well as your treating doctor), so we make sure everyone is on the same page and has a good understanding of your needs and recovery plannning. Coaching services operate in an open access, team-based way, not in isolation to other services/support you may use.
We will need to meet and agree we can work together. If agreed, we will put in place a service agreement with you.
To ensure the appropriateness of this service, you will need to ensure we have relevant circumstantial information/reports about you, including your health and/or mental health diagnoses and/or past NDIS or doctor reports, plus your current NDIS plan. This ensures we have the necessary knowledge about you and your goals and service needs, and can assist you in a transparent way. Your information is kept private and confidential at all times.
We also need a head and shoulders photo of you, so our people can identify you (this has become very important with COVID-19 where an alternative person may be necessary to help you OR where you may meet one of our coaches via teleservice). You will also need to provide relevant consent for us to interact with the NDIS, your doctor(s), and any mental health providers.
These requirements allow your SchemeWise recovery coach to work professionally and confidentially in a person-centred way with you, as well as your other trusted services and supports.
NOTE: If you are not prepared to meet these requirements, we cannot provide a service to you, as it may leave you unsafe.
You can learn more about psychosocial recovery services in the NDIS Psychosocial Recovery Factsheet (PDF)
A SchemeWise recovery coach will:
⇒ Spend time with you, and people important to you, to get to know you and understand your needs (weekly at least);
⇒ Help you to find out about different mainstream and community services and supports, and how these can help and support you, plus ensure your ongoing connection with these;
⇒ Help you get support from mental health services, if you need to re-engage with them or be supported better;
⇒ Help you better understand what NDIS supports could help enable your recovery, as well as support you in your daily life or through your plan review. They will support you to consider services options and put in place the ones you choose (you must use your efforts - coaches can only encourage and help you work through these processes and options).
We support and help you... on your...
This service enables you to pursue and achieve your goals
By using NDIS Core Supports
♦ Connecting with services and supports for daily life needs or supported living
♦ Assistance for getting around your community
♦ Get involved with social and community interests or day programs
By using NDIS Capacity Building Supports
♦ Increasing social and community participation options
♦ Improved daily living - therapy access
♦ Improved learning access and work or volunteering support
♦ Improved health and wellbeing options
NOTE: This service does not focus on loss of housing or accommodation issues which are best addressed under other professional areas (e.g. NDIS Improved Living funding, crisis housing or charity providers). However, our coaches can support you with developing ways to pay rent on time or seeking help with a problem at your home to build your capacity and maintain your environment as well as prevent loss of housing.
We've had a lot of people ask... if they need to have NDIS funding. The answer is NO.
People living with a persisting mental health problem (more than 5 years) can also access this service on a private basis. They do NOT need to be NDIS participants. This service can support people with a broader range of mental health issues including depression and anxiety conditions, which are generally not supported by the NDIS.
On a private basis, the service operates by people purchasing blocks of support time, which they then use as they step through the coaching process. Private coaching also utilises a strengths-based and assertive community approach. Our coaches must be provided relevant reports and information to assist risk and safety; and be able to identify important people who can help you stay well.
Coaching continues as blocks are renewed or ends at the conclusion of a block. (NOTE: time includes direct service, indirect service notes, calls, emails, online support and liaison with other parties (e.g. your doctor) as well as travel). Blocks must be used within a certain period of time, or are forfeited.
Please note that Psychsocial Recovery Coaching is NEVER a crisis response service.
In case of emergency or a life-threatening issue, call 000.
Crisis support can also be accessed by connecting with:
⇒ Lifeline: 13 11 14
⇒ Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
⇒ Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
⇒ Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800
⇒ 1800RESPECT: 1800 737 732
⇒ Relationships Australia: 1300 364 277
⇒ National Indigenous Crisis Hotline: 13 92 76
Ready to get started... just complete our online referral form or call us on...
(24/7 automated service. We usually respond with 1-2 business days)
NOTE: Providers, LAC or NDIS planners seeking service on a person's behalf should reach out for discussion firstly.
This service is very popular. You must be prepared to talk with us whenever we contact you. People not considered ready or refusing contact (due to behavioural problems) will not be further engaged. To use this service you must meet with our coaches regularly (at least weekly) as this is NOT a therapy service and is orientated toward practical day-to-day coaching and mentor-based support. If a person is not willing to engage regularly, per this advisory, this is NOT the service for you.
If you have a specialist behaviour plan in place or a recommended to have this, SchemeWise is unable to provide you a service. People with such plan's must used a provider who has been asssessed against the NDIS Quality Standards as an implementing provider (who must provide monthly reports to the regulator). SchemeWise has not undertaken this process and has no intention to do so.
SchemeWise recovery coaching service is NOT suitable for people exiting a custodial setting for which specialist support coordination is the better option for ongoing justice system interactions for at least the first 12 months of community living (longer may be required). Justice transitions can often involve more complex interaction across housing, health, mental health and vocational services, as well as ongoing justice supervision. Psychosocial Recovery Coaching is not sufficient to help in these situations.
SchemeWise recovery coaching service is always operated on an assertive professional and respectful basis within the community. Mutual respect is paramount. People exhibiting challenging behaviours (any) will be counselled and secondarily exited where SchemeWise or its people are placed at risk or safety issue from any form of violence, abuse, or unsatisfactory circumstance or conduct or use of illict substances (which extends to the people they live with). SchemeWise people have a right to work in a smoke free environemnt also. Our people also have a right to refusal of service (at cost to you) where they believe any safety matter may exist and cannot be adequately controlled (includes substance intoxication), solely at their discretion. For this reason, SchemeWise also has the sole right to move a service to any other deemed suitable location or mode so risks may be reduced and controlled (e.g. from a person's home to a community location, etc). SchemeWise people are all mandatory reporters and any issues of a potentially illegal or illicit nature are referred to authorities, without hesitation. Likewise, SchemeWise reserves its right to referral/reporting for all concerns over mental health wellbeing involving the customer or safety of others within their close proximity (including the broader local community). These requirements help SchemeWise meet its obligations to keep its people, you and others safe at all times.
These service requirements are non-negotiable for the benefit of all parties.